Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pat me on the back...

... for I have made progress. Yea, it is small and fleeting success that drives me to write here, for the work completed yesternight was of minimal consequence to your teetering interest, reader. In light of this revelation, I will not yield to your apathy regarding the matter and will instead continue forthright to describe in detail the events culminating in meager and rudimentary success not 15 hours hence.

So it was that I wrought from the kitchen a dinner with disappointing results (my culinary skills are not ones about which I wish to brag) and sat myself opposite my computer screen. I brimmed with a desire to produce, but a greater degree of sloth yielded little desire to travail. Long-untouched games abound in my abode and as I sat, deliberating over a choice of evening events, they called to me as if looking for closure, needing an end put to their tales.

Despite the tremendous attraction to this would-be distraction I opened my development environment and danced my fingertips across the keyboard.

I find the process (like most projects in my life) to bear similarity to physics, in that the initial roadblock that must be overcome is akin to a coefficient of static friction (much much greater than one, in this particular case) but, once moving, motion is governed by a coefficient of kinetic friction (closer to zero here). So it was that I quickly lost two hours to grinding through bugs and kinks to ultimately yield a result that is not all dissimilar from its form prior to re-arranging and rewriting the object classes.

As it is now, I am left with the task of joining objects together. I have in my mind a fairly straightforward idea of the manner in which it should be accomplished and I have only to implement it. Tonight, I intend to tackle it with much disregard for other worldly obligations due in no small part to the fact that I will have simple solitude for the time during my arrival home and when I lay to rest. This is necessary often times in order to produce results with any degree of significance. As I see it, I could stand to garner another twelve-hour day or two in order to truly fabricate a game worth playing in a reasonable timeframe.

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