Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Gameplan going forward:
  1. Finish Uncharted 2
  2. Wipe clean the Rustbot slate
  3. Plan for everything
  4. Code over from scratch
I had pretty much given up on all things Rustbot due primarily to lingering side effects of life hardships which instilled in me a great degree of apathy and disinterest in all things. With that in mind, I'm still not terribly interested in Rustbot, nor do I see in it anything that would appeal to anyone else. The combination of those results in quite a lack of motivation to work on it, but I've decided that I cannot afford to let that hinder me further.

See, I have a problem. I tend (with astounding historical record) to begin projects with great enthusiasm and abandon them halfway through, never to be revisited. On one hand, I'm pretty tired of hearing people point this out to me. On the other hand, I'm painfully aware of this as well and it gnaws at my self-confidence, which then demotivates me and leads to more abandonment. Yadda yadda yadda, vicious cycle, downward spiral, yadda yadda yadda.

So I'm going to finish this for the sake of my health. I'm going in with no unrealistic expectations. In fact, I expect that the end result will suck. That's not to say I won't try to make it awesome and fun but, honestly, I have no experience in the fun production department so it's unwise and unhealthy to put that kind of pressure on myself by expecting greatness on a first outing. My goal is to finish it, nothing more, nothing less.

As soon as I finish Uncharted 2 (84% done and *loving it*).

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