Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Loading... please wait.

So tonight I had some pretty excellent uninterrupted time (save for one individual's incessant pestering... you know who you are) and managed to get a satisfactory degree of work done.

On the code side, I've got a proper "level" loading system in place, which makes me happy. Now all I need is content to load. Fortunately, for me at least, the game itself is my world editor, so I can begin to add things and construct things (once that mechanic is in place) and save all of that data to a file for later loading. On the other side of development, I spent a while today fleshing out the actual story. I decided upon some more twists and turns and what I think will ultimately resonate with a player.

At the moment, I'm torn between two options for model handling. On one hand, I want to use simple primitives that I can define myself within the engine without need for an external model format. On the other hand, using an external model format would simplify UV texture mapping. I have pros and cons for both that I'm trying to weigh at the moment. I suppose if I'm feeling really ambitious I could write a simple exporter for Blender to give me just a simple mesh associated uv coordinates, if such a thing doesn't exist already. Hrm...