I'm not entirely sure how frequent future updates to this blog will be. I'm getting awfully close to being in the thick of development, so I don't expect much need for updates being that I shouldn't be encountering any breakthroughs of sorts; everything from here should be fairly straightforward and consist of nothing but good old fashioned elbow grease (do not apply directly to the keyboard).
Here and there I'll post updates regarding my progress. I'll update the to-do list (on the right side of the page) when I either complete a task or a new one becomes apparent to me. I've recently added a few items to the list, but there are some that are intentionally left out (don't want to ruin the surprise!). The list grows longer and it can seem a bit daunting, but each step alone doesn't seem to account for too much work.
So hopefully I'll be making some real headway and you won't hear much from this blog except for wicked awesome screenshots and/or videos.
Until then, more coding requires my attention!
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